Bloggathon II

Hello, and welcome to Bloggathon II this is the private homepage of Hugh Gregory Waldock Polymath. I aspire to having an ideal lifestyle which I see as that of an rich Italian man of the Renaissance who had many business and social interests and was good at many things. One such man, the most famous of all polymaths and regarded as the most intelligent man in modern world history is Leonardo da Vinci. This is my favourite one of his paintings Salvator Mundi it means Saviour of the World. Leonardo was both scientific and one of the worlds greatest artists and visionaries.

Another such man I revere is Giovanni Di Palestrina the greatest composer of Classical Music of his age and who’s work was selected by the Council of Trent in 1590 to be the archetype for all music in the Catholic Church for the next 500 years. He was a choirmaster organist, composer and businessman and successful at all of them. This is my favourite piece of his Exultate Deo.

The following things represent some of my own skills and aspirations. I don’t believe being a spoiler and preventing others from doing as they wish just aspiring to and doing exactly what they want to do. Like this beautiful German song. I’m very pro feminist I don’t like telling my girlfriend what to do either. I don’t like other guys doing that either and see myself as a bit of a white knight for women who are oppressed in marriage. I believe women should be as free as men and we should all be free together. I’m not a populist. I’m a transnational, multicultural person, with influence from many cultures including detailed influence from Germany and England. I was educated in a full immersion bilingual university and Classical music college environment in Europe, an London, but I’m now a British citizen and work for an Indian family business.

I do a simple delivery job now. This frees up time for my real passion which is further academic, artistic, and musical study of all kinds. I passionately believe in everyone’s right to study and do as they wish. As a former English Language Teacher to German firms and students with my own supply teaching business I believe in studying becoming a fundamental right enshrined in UK law and that right to study doesn’t relinquish at a certain age but continues throughout one’s life it is not a privilege.

Unfenced, Prolific, and Creative


In the above picture is a link to my VLOG about my America Trip on U-Tube when I travelled form New York City to Los Angeles by coach in 2001


A tale of 6 musical skills; singing, piano, violin, production, composition & musicology. I’ve performed live over 400 times in my life as both an amateur & professional singer, more recently as a prolific recording artist on social media. I’m currently studying for a BSc in Audio Engineering & Media Production with Composition at HOFA.


The story of my life as a boots on the ground political activist doing everything from anti war and anti fascist work, and campaigning for free university education to being a Remainer for the EU. I’m currently a volunteer for the British Labour Party, a member of the European Movement and The Fabian Society. This is me with our new MP Pam Cox after a successful campaign to elect her as Colchester’s first woman MP.


The history of my creative writing and my endeavour to be a published author from the distant past to the present.


Link to my competitive photography on Photocrowd.